ARCHIVO del patrimonio inmaterial de NAVARRA

  • Año de Publicación:
  • Autores:
  • -   Antidze, N.
    -   Margottini, C.
    -   Meliva, T.
    -   Spizzichino, D.
    -   Vardzelashvili, M.
  • Revista:
    Springer Geology
  • Volumen:
  • Número:
  • Páginas:
  • ISSN:
Present paper summarizes the activities that National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia has put in place over the last ten years. More specifically, all the phases that led to the mapping of the sites to be preserved and the actions taken to protect them are reported and summarized. Among a huge number of tasks, the Agency’s main missions were to lead, coordinate and implement state program for the identification, conservation and rehabilitation, protection and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, monitor and inventory of tangible and intangible heritage assets throughout the country and provide cultural heritage expertise. This programme is the result of the long process, started in Vardzia Rock-cut Complex and not yet completely developed.