NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

  • Argitaratze urtea:
  • Egileak:
  • -   Bae, Min-ji,
  • Aldizkaria:
    The Souteast Korea Dance Society
  • Bolumena:
  • Zenbakia:
  • Orrialdeak:
  • ISSN:
This study aims to find the exact identity of Sanjo-Chum by examining its history and determining it’s historical status. This study was based on existing literature, along with data such as archives, pamphlets, newspaper articles, videos, and photographs, which were then collected, analyzed, organized, and utilized. The background of the formation of Sanjo-Chum was examined from three aspects: the influence of folk dance, the changes within modern Korean dance, and the rise of Sanjo music. In addition, the development processes was divided into four stages according to the characteristics of each period: the settling-down period of (1942\textasciitilde1952), the original expression period (1953\textasciitilde1976), the creative inheritance period (1977\textasciitilde1995), and the compositional expansion period (1996\textasciitildepresent). As characteristics of these step-by-step formations and development, Sanjo-Chum has established itself as a Korean dance that can capture the individuality and technique of artists and reveal their individual artistic philosophies. In conclusion, Sanjo-Chum is a dance that can unlock the artistic spirit of individuals that have been formed and developed during the historical trend of modernization. As Sanjo-Chum has served as the bridge between traditional dance, shinmuyong(new dance), and Korean choreographed dance, it should not only have scalability within future dance art, but should also be considered for it’s cultural heritage value due to its artistry, which has 100 years of tradition behind it.