NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

  • Argitaratze urtea:
  • Egileak:
  • -   Lee, Hyo-Min,
    -   Ji-Yoon, Kim,
  • Aldizkaria:
    The Korean Society of Sports Science
  • Bolumena:
  • Zenbakia:
  • Orrialdeak:
  • ISSN:
This study tried to explore one aspect of traditional dance through aesthetic experience from the perspective of the artist, the work of art, and the viewer, which are the three structures of art, in order to interpret the Eun-Joo Lee styled Salpuri-chum based on the mimesis, a concept in the art award. It is not an exaggeration to say that Lee Eun-Joo styled Salpuri-chum was designated as Seoul Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 46 in 2015 and aims for perfect form and perfection of work, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it has stood at the center of the unconscious historical narrative as our own cultural heritage for a long time. In other words, this study emphasized the preservation of intangible art, which has high historical and artistic value, targeting the Lee Eun-Joo styled Salpuri-chum, a cultural product of Korea, through aesthetic interpretation. In conclusion, this attempt is to expand the value of Salpuri-chum, an intangible cultural asset of Korea, with a new meaning, and to represent and re-examine the long history and status of traditional dance. And the presentation of a new communication method through a mimetic point of view has the effect of creating a new Korean traditional dance, Eun-Joo Lee styled Salpuri-chum, which is our unique cultural asset.