NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

  • Argitaratze urtea:
  • Egileak:
  • -   Zubiri, D.C.
    -   Molero, R.T.
    -   Pedregal, A.M.N.
  • Aldizkaria:
    AIBR Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana
  • Bolumena:
  • Zenbakia:
  • Orrialdeak:
  • ISSN:
    16959752 (ISSN)
Heritage; Intangible Heritage; Sociocultural Change; Tourism; UNESCO;
The Misteri or Festa d’Elx is the main festival of a town (Elche). Although it has survived from the Middle Ages, it was patrimonialised twice in seventy years to be preserved in a historical context of profound changes. Nowadays, the Misteri still is represented, nevertheless, the attitude of the local population towards this Festival shows a polarization that ranges from the indifference of the majority to the enthusiasm of a minority, committed to its maintenance and continuity. In other words, new ways of relating to the Festa have been generated, different from the traditional ones, which implies new cultural meanings. In this paper, we intend to point out these new meanings about this patrimonialised festival. To do this, we analyse discourses and practices of local social agents, especially those involved in their maintenance and safeguarding. We relate them to the historical context that gives them meaning and that is characterized by permanent sociocultural change, and by the influence of globalizing factors at the local level, such as tourism and UNESCO distinctions.