NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

  • Argitaratze urtea:
  • Egileak:
  • -   Chen, Zhaoyu
  • Aldizkaria:
    Current Issues in Tourism
  • Bolumena:
  • Zenbakia:
  • Orrialdeak:
  • ISSN:
    13683500 (ISSN)
Cultural Heritage; Experience; Experiencescape; Intangible Cultural Heritage; Macau; Stakeholders; Tourist Attraction; Tourist Behavior; Visualization; World Heritage City; World Heritage Site;
The role of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in promoting tourism is underestimated. This study examines progressive thinking regarding the newly explored topic of tourism experiencescape by using the context of ICH in a World Heritage City, Macau, and through investigating three typical ICH festivals. Interviews with 85 tourists and 30 key stakeholders were conducted over a consecutive two-year period in order to explore the rationale behind how an ICH experiencescape is constructed and consumed. It finds that ICH, with its unique features, successfully attracts spontaneous tourist participation, creating an enriched experience of the local culture and people, and further inspiring future touristic behavioural intentions. All this is achieved through the collective efforts of various stakeholders whose opinions are explicitly expressed.