ARCHIVO del patrimonio inmaterial de NAVARRA

  • Año de Publicación:
  • Autores:
  • -   Morel, Hernán
  • Revista:
    Intersecciones en antropología
  • Volumen:
  • Número:
  • Páginas:
  • Fecha de Publicación:
  • ISSN:
Cultura; Cultural Diplomacy (ICH_1359); Culture; Desarrollo; Development; Intangible Heritage; Patrimonio Inmaterial; Policy; Políticas; Tango;
This work focuses on some of the aspects of the development strategies related to the integration of the different cultural spheres. Specially, after the neoliberal wave occurred during 1990's, a new strategy in the development agenda aroused the intensification of values regarding the cultural diversity and the local inheritance. Thus, within a framework of inheritance policies, new conceptualization and the managing ways around the so-called "Intangible Cultural Inheritance" were established. Nevertheless, these impulses co-exist with merchandising processes that give a new value to the idea of inheritance in the light of certain interests at present. Based on these guidelines, we are interested in addressing the revaluation of tango in their articulation with the public policies of the City of Buenos Aires. Specifically, in this work we propose to analyze the activation and patrimonial construction of tango from the recent declaration issued by the international body of UNESCO. In this way, we observe the political dimensions as well as the effects of power that these patrimonial activations supose.