ARCHIVO del patrimonio inmaterial de NAVARRA

  • Año de Publicación:
  • Revista:
    Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
  • Volumen:
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  • ISSN:
In this paper, the development of differentiated programs for visitors as well as those for teaching, ways on how to make these halls a culture complex that can support diverse cultural activities for citizens, and strategies to increase their utilization for the public as an facility open to the community, given the trend that intangible cultural heritage teaching halls are getting bigger and complex.The intangible cultural heritage teaching halls of it is need to make improvements to the facility for their activation. Therefore In this paper as a collected information on their establishment and administration to find ways for their activation from a user perspective by visiting three intangible cultural heritage teaching halls except Seoul and large cities of metropolitan areas. We expect that findings from the study will provide a basis to set directions to make intangible cultural heritage teaching halls a culture complex facility.