ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

  • Année de publication:
  • Auteurs:
  • -   de Atalaya, Santiago Ponsoda-Lopez
    -   Moreno-Vera, Juan-Ramon
    -   Ponce-Gea, Ana -Isabel
  • Magazine:
    Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives-Realia
  • Volume:
  • Numéro:
  • Pages:
  • ISSN:
The use of ICT as a resource for the treatment of heritage manifestations in the classroom represents an advance in terms of taking advantage of the potential of heritage as an educational resource and, without doubt, in terms of greater accessibility to it. In this line, the work presented here focuses on the use of ICT to work on intangible heritage in the classroom from a didactic inno-vation within the framework of the initial training of teachers, in which a total of 54 students from the subject of Didactics of Social Sciences: History in the Degree in Primary Education of the Uni-versity of Alicante. This innovation consisted in developing a virtual museum focused on various manifestations of intangible cultural heritage, thus contributing, from the field of education, to its dissemination and promotion, as stated in Law 10/2015 for the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (”Ley 10/2015, de 26 de mayo, para la salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial”, 2015). Therefore, from the creation of this virtual museum in the classroom, and from the propo-sals made by the students to work on this type of heritage content, the use of ICT as a tool for the development of resources and didactic proposals focused on the treatment of manifestations of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the primary education stage. In this way, the work is connected, in turn, to the training of future teachers in regard to digital teaching skills. In light of the results, it reveals a divergence between the manipulative use of digital resources and their applicability when working with them in the classroom, since the participants show advanced digital skills when de-veloping their own creations, which contrasts with the scarce presence of educational technologies in the design of specific didactic proposals.