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Herri-ipuingintza euskal eta europar tradizio literarioetan. Mari Xor-en kasua



    HERNANDEZ LLONA, X. (2021). Herri-ipuingintza euskal eta europar tradizio literarioetan. Mari Xor-en kasua. Uztaro: giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, vol. 119, p. 121-142. ISSN 1130-5738

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    Euskal Herriko zein Europako testuak oinarri hartuta, euskal herri-ipuingintza europar tradizioan kokatu nahi da, bietan dauden ipuinen aldaera desberdinak aztertzeko eta konparatzeko. Obra jakin bat hartu da ikergai, Mari Xor edo ezagunagoa den Marierrauzkinena, hain zuzen ere; alde batetik, dituen euskarazko beste aldaeren artean alderatzeko eta, bestetik, bereziki Europako beste bertsioekin parez pare jartzeko. Nagusiki, lau ardatzetan jarri da arreta: ipuinaren ezaugarri orokorretan, gertaeretan, pertsonaien ezaugarrietan, eta sinbologian eta imajinarioan, hain justu ere. Azterketak erakusten du Euskal Herrian eta gure herri-literaturaren tradizioan kokatuta dagoen ipuina dela baina, aldi berean, unibertsala ere badela. 

    Based on both Basque and European texts, the aim is to situate the Basque folk tale in the European tradition in order to analyse and compare the different variants of the tales existing in both. This work is based on the research on one specific folk tale: Mari Xor or commonly known as Cinderella. Taking this text as a basis, on one the hand, the Basque versions have been compared to each other, and on the other hand, with other different versions in other European languages. We have focused mainly on four aspects: the general characteristics of the text, the events of the story, the features and characterisation of the characters, as well as the symbolism and imagery. The study shows that this tale is rooted in the Basque Country as well as in the tradition of our popular literature, but which is also universal.


Cuentos Populares, PAÍS VASCO