NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

Izenburua Urteasort ascending Egileak Aldizkaria
Intangible Cultural Heritage: 'Curating' the Human 2022 Gjodsbol, Iben M. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry
Interrelations of Ancestral Textile Handicraft Weaving and Tangible Vernacular Karkhanehs (Workspaces) in the Historic Destination of Yazd, Iran 2022 Seddighikhavidak, Somaye, Jamal, Tazim Sustainability
Preservation of intangible and tangible cultural heritage using digital technology 2022 Amali, L.N., Katili, M.R., Ismail, W. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The Neo-traditionalism of the Manden Charter 2022 Zavyalova, O.Yu. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta Vostokovedenie i Afrikanistika
Classification Model for Chinese Traditional Embroidery Based on Xception-TD 2022 Zeyu, Z., Hao, W., Xiaoqin, Z., Fao, T., Qiutong, R. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
Precision Design of Dongguan Intangible Cultural and Creative Products Based on Big Data Analysis Technology 2022 Chen, D. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies
The Kyrgyz Republic: Concept, Strategies, and Practices for the Preservation of the National Cultural Heritage 2022 Oktyabrskaya, I.V., Alymkulova, S.K., Nazarov, I.I., Samushkina, E.V. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia
3D Reconstruction & Modeling of the Traditional Greek Trechadiri: "Aghia Varvara" 2022 Arapakopoulos, Andreas, Liaskos, Orestis, Mitsigkola, Sofia, Papatzanakis, Georgios, Peppa, Sofia, Remoundos, Georgios, Ginnis, Alexandros, Papadopoulos, Christos, Mazis, Dimitrios, Tsilikidis, Odysseas, Yighourtakis, Yannis HeritageHeritage
A Study on the Historical Status of Korean Sanjo-chum based on the Background of its Formation 2022 Bae, Min-ji, The Souteast Korea Dance Society
Classifying Images of Intangible Cultural Heritages with Multimodal Fusion 2022 Tao, F., Hao, W., Yueyan, L., Sanhong, D. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
