ARCHIVE of the immaterial heritage of NAVARRE


To collaborate in Navarre and Lower Navarre in the essential actions which are defined by UNESCO for the safeguarding of the Cultural Immaterial Heritage: identification and documentation; safeguarding and conservation; promotion and diffusion; and protection and revitalising. 


The scientific and technique support for the development and improvement of the online centre of the audiovisual and testual documentation of the Cultural Immaterial Heritage of Navarre and Lower Navarre, for the researching and didactics exploitation of his funds, and to transform it in a versatile tool which has reference in the cultural heritage of Navarre. 


1. Technological development

Make the informatic platform an interactive tool which allows the job in the net and the increase of the funds on the side of the users community (researchers, cultural agents, managers, teachers, visitants) scientifically controlled. To develop an advanced semantic searcher to help out the scientific research and other applications. To develop scientific tools, of local-touristic and didactic management.

2. The Increase and integration of the funds 

The creation of the cultural agents’ net and the net of messengers associated to the different areas of the CIH and de localities of Navarre and Lower Navarre, nets which can increase the funds of the Archive. The incorporation of the collections coming from working fields and from the digitalization of other transferred sources.  The integration of data, the inventory and the digitalizations that come from public organisms and fundations dedicated to the study and the documentation of the cultural heritage. The creation of a heritage (natural and cultural) information page by localities. 

3. Researching of the corpus

The classification and analysis of the corpus. The documentation and realization of the inventory to increase the funds and favorise their study.The publication of articles and studies related to the corpus and/or with the CIH. The creation of researching nets (subgroups of researchers divided into areas) which use the technology platform fin order to end up their work. Organisation of scientific sessions. Assistance to several congresses about the cultural heritage. The creation of a platform for the scientific dissemination (thesis, studies …).

4. Management of the local heritage (specially CIH) as well as  the cultural landascapes 

To open the platform to the local cultural managers’ net so as to build up an experiences bank about the heritage in the different localities: the “agro” day, the heritage day, intercultural and intergenerational meetings... the creation of an information page about the CIH: good practices, legislation, plans and projects... Experimental practices with technological applications for the local development: geolocalisation, signaletics for the moving knowledge (QR codes, audioguides... ) and increased reality.

5. Heritage Education: dissemination and didactics of the heritage 

One of the aims of the documentation centre is also the dissemination of the cultural heritage of Navarre and Lower Navarre throughout the webpage. Another wish is to become the Bank of samples of the dissemination of the CIH in Navarre. To continue the work of the set up multidisciplinary team. Continue with the creation of learning communities and of research. Didactic applications for the located knowledge ( in the classroom, in the Cultural Centre... ) and moving (educational routes... ). Didactic applications for the formal (curricular) education: management of the presentation with the funds of the Archive, webquest, serious games... didactic applications for the non formal and informal education. The creation of a material and teaching experiences around a cultural landscape and the cultural heritage ( specially the inmaterial).