NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

Izenburua Urteasort ascending Egileak Aldizkaria
Protecting intangible cultural heritage in the era of rapid technological advancement 2022 Adewumi, A.A. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology
Reconstructing the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Moravian Missions 2022 Eyerly, S. Journal of Moravian History
Sound Reflections in Indian Stepwells: Modelling Acoustically Retroreflective Architecture 2022 Cabrera, Densil, Lu, Shuai, Holmes, Jonothan, Yadav, Manuj Acoustics
Intangible cultural heritage and their influence on financial results in rural tourism 2022 Starcevic, Kresimir, Vojinovic, Zeljko, Glavas, Jerko Ekonomika Poljoprivreda-Economics of Agriculture
Local Traditional Market as A Cultural Landscape : Focusing on Daegu Seomun Market 2022 Chung, Jaeyoung, Dongainmunhak
Ontology-driven cultural heritage conservation: A case of the analects of confucius 2022 Wang, F., Wei, T., Wang, J. Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Report for Lecture Series: Archaeology, Public Engagement and Cultural Heritage Tourism, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 2022 Yu, P.-L., Lertcharnrit, T., Smith, G.S., Chapman, W., Shoocongdej, R., Chen, A.D.-Y. SPAFA Journal
Coupling Mechanisms and Development Patterns of Revitalizing Intangible Cultural Heritage by Integrating Cultural Tourism: The Case of Hunan Province, China 2022 Yuan, Chuanchuan, Gan, Li, Zhuo, Huili Sustainability
Custodiar lo etéreo. Avances y desafíos en la protección jurídica del patrimonio inmaterial en Argentina 2022 Levrand, Norma Elizabeth Estudios Sociales: Revista Universitaria Semestral
Refugees as Cultural Brokers on YouTube 2022 Brassier-Rodrigues, C. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies
