NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

Izenburua Urteasort ascending Egileak Aldizkaria
Steering resilience in coastal and marine cultural heritage 2022 Flannery, Wesley, Ounanian, Kristen, Toonen, Hilde, van Tatenhove, Jan, Murtagh, Brendan, Ferguson, Laura, Delaney, Alyne, Kenter, Jasper, Azzopardi, Elaine, Pita, Cristina, Mylona, Dimitra, Witteveen, Loes, Hansen, Carsten Jahn, Howells, Matt, Macias, Jordi Vegas, Lamers, Machiel, Sousa, Lisa, da Silva, Ana Margarida Ferreira, Taylor, Steve, Roio, Maili, Karro, Krista, Saimre, Tanel Maritime Studies
Transforming Museum Education Through Intangible Cultural Heritage 2022 Ferrer-Yulfo, A. Journal of Museum Education
Perspectives on Maritime Archaeology in Southeast Asia 2022 Pham, C., Craig, J., Vadillo, V.W. The Oxf. Handb. of Early Southeast Asia
Salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial: inventario de las manifestaciones culturales de la parroquia San Andrés en el cantón Guano, Ecuador 2022 Jarrín Zambrano, Ginno Sidney, Pilco Guilcapi, Érika Lisbeth Dominio de las Ciencias
Leveraging on Social Entrepreneurship Process to Safeguard the Cultural Heritage 2022 Law, J., Ong, J.W., Aziz, K.Ab. Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science
The Role of Pilgrimage in the Formation of a Religious Identity (on the Basis of the Kazakh Culture) 2022 Stasevich, IV Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta-Istoriya
De canción nacional a Patrimonio Inmaterial. Los casos del Fado y el Mariachi 2022 Macías Sánchez, Clara, Nava López, Enrique Fernando Patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la humanidad, 2022, ISBN 978-84-18984-72-3, págs. 305-339
Learning Crafts Through Educational Research Projects—Reflection from Thailand 2022 Chudasri, D. Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Tamada: A Master of Verbal Art in Turkestan from Tradition to Contemporary 2022 Bayram, Bulent Milli Folklor
Visualizing experiencescape - from the art of intangible cultural heritage 2022 Chen, Zhaoyu Current Issues in Tourism
