NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

Izenburua Urteasort ascending Egileak Aldizkaria
Spatial Variation and Its Local Influencing Factors of Intangible Cultural Heritage Development along the Grand Canal in China 2023 Yang, J, Wang, L, Wei, S International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Spatial-Temporal Distribution Pattern and Tourism Utilization Potential of Intangible Cultural Heritage Resources in the Yellow River Basin 2023 Chang, B., Ding, X., Xi, J., Zhang, R., Lv, X. Sustainability
Spreading and Application of Digital Media Art to Traditional Handicrafts-Taking Tie Dyeing of Bai Nationality as an Example 2023 Ma, D., Xu, J., Pu, P. Computer-Aided Design and Applications
Spatial distribution and tourism competition of intangible cultural heritage: take Guizhou, China as an example 2023 Dong, Baoling, Bai, Kai, Sun, Xiaolong, Wang, Mengtao, Liu, Yang Heritage Science
Social Use through Tourism of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Amazonian Kichwa Nationality 2023 Maldonado-Erazo, Claudia Patricia, del Rio-Rama, Maria de la Cruz, Andino-Penafiel, Erica Estefania, alvarez-Garcia, Jose Land
Inviting all humanity to an elite club? Understanding tensions in UNESCO’s global heritage regimes through the lens of a typology of goods 2023 Schreiber, H., Pieliński, B. International Journal of Cultural Policy
Introduction: Exploring culturally sensitive and Indigenous research methods 2023 Samier, E.A., ElKaleh, E.S.
Does Government Positively Support the Spatial Distribution of ICH? Evidence of Data from the Yangtze Delta Region of China 2023 Chang, J., Long, C., Lu, S., Han, R. Sustainability (Switzerland)
Marcial Perozo: el legado de un patrimonio cultural a la música popular del estado Lara, Venezuela 2023 Perozo Pérez, Aura Elena Mayéutica: Revista científica de humanidades y artes
Schnapps of the stubble: Memory and identity in Viotá-Cundinamarca [Aguardiente rastrojero: memoria e identidad en Viotá-Cundinamarca] 2023 Velásquez-Mantilla, D.A. Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades
