NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

Izenburua Urteasort ascending Egileak Aldizkaria
Uncovering Topics of Public Cultural Activities: Evidence from China 2022 Zeng, Zixin, Hua, Bolin Data Intelligence
A Vietnamese Festival Preservation Application 2022 Chau, N.-K., Ma, T.-T., Bouraoui, Z., Do, T.-N. 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, ICITA 2021
Policies concerning Intangible Cultural Heritage of Socialist Countries* -focusing on Laos and Vietnam- 2022 Jae, Yeom, Hee, Hyuk, Im Jang
The traditional fondouks of the marrakesh medina: diagnosis of structural pathologies in view of a restoration operation case of the fondouk el kebbaj 2022 Khiara, A., Chaham, K.R., Bensallam, S., Ibnoussina, M., Loukid, A. Sustainable Mediterranean Construction
Experiencias de gestión cultural vinculada al patrimonio cultural inmaterial, la participación como elemento primordial de la salvaguardia 2022 Heredia, Felicita Antropología: Cuadernos de Investigación
Istanbul Residents' Aesthetic and Architectural Concerns Regarding the Establishment of Municipalities in the City: The Opinions of Ahmed Lutfi Efendi 2022 Oten, Aliye Art-Sanat Dergisi
Tangible and intangible heritage: charles paget wade and the creation of snowshill manor as a magical space 2022 Huxtable, Sally-Anne Preternature-Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural
Tourism and conserving intangible cultural heritage: Residents' perspectives on protecting the nushu female script 2022 Luo, Wenbin, Lu, Yulian, Timothy, Dallen J., Zang, Xiaolin Journal of China Tourism Research
Cuisines traditionnelles d’Algérie l’art d’accommoder l’histoire et la géographie 2022 Boumedine, R.S. Anthropology of the Middle East
Las transformaciones silenciosas del régimen patrimonial. Participación y conflictos en torno al patrimonio cultural 2022 Sánchez-Carretero, Cristina AIBR: Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana
